Trains, a magical place

… OK, not in the sense of how this term is used in “The Agents of Shield”. That would be horrible. No, I mean as a magical place to get work done. Yesterday I went to Vienna in order to visit two friends (and restock in sweets). Over the last couple of years I’ve grown to absolutely love the train-ride there simply because it gives me around three hours of nearly uninterrupted concentration time per direction and has ended up as probably the place for me to get work done.

Surely, you say, I could have the same at home at my work-desk, but what makes these rides so special for me are the constraints there. I can’t just simply stand up and start playing video games or buy groceries. All I can do there is what is possible either using my laptop, my tablet, or my phone. Given the limited reception on some parts of the track between Graz and Vienna, my options are even more limited, so losing too much time on YouTube is rarely an option.

Railjets in Austria are particularly nice as even in the second class you get at least one power outlet for every two seats and even in the two-seaters the foldable tray is nearly at the perfect distance between the passenger and the next row. I even stopped looking at first-class seats simply because they ended up offering too much leg-room which made working far less comfortable πŸ˜‰

So, yesterday I managed to get all the work I had planned for the whole weekend done in about 4 hours all while being on the train to and from Vienna. That allowed me to waste all of Sunday on season 2 of Overwatch and Elementary 😊