Carpenter Brut live in Vienna

I love listening to music (ok, only the subset that I enjoy …) but for some reason or another I only rarely go to live concerts. Perhaps it is that I don’t like the extreme volume or that people are usually crammed into tiny places with some folks just being there to actively bump into others. That being said, I’ve now been to two concerts in the last couple of years (I know, right?!) and very much enjoyed them!

This Monday and thanks to my partner I had the chance to see Carpenter Brut & Perturbator live in Vienna as part of their joint “Leather Sacraments” tour. It was either them or going to KubeCon in Chicago 🀣 Together with Ho99o9 as supporting act they managed to fill most of the Planet.TT hall which is part of the Gasometer event complex, and that on a Monday!

Carpenter Brut on stage

Usually, I have some serious issues at live concerts due to the volume overloading my ears but at least during the Carpenter Brut part I didn’t require earplugs and so could completely enjoy the songs without any filtering ❀ The show consisted mostly of tracks from the Leather Terror album but also some highlights from previous ones like Maniac and Turbo Killer. Just an awesome show with Franck Hueso himself, Adrien Grousset on the guitar, and drummer Florent Marcadet!

Sadly, after the break to Perturbator I wasn’t so lucky anymore as my ears were getting tired and so I tried it with earplugs/AirPods. But I was already extremely tired overall and so I opted to leave the event, having really enjoyed the evening and the awesome music! I still got a few tracks into the second part of the concert and liked them very much. I guess it’s time for me to listen through Perturbator’s back catalog πŸ™‚

Next on my wishlist: Working earplugs that don’t destroy the audio experience and a Gunship or Hybrid live show πŸ˜…

I still wonder how people who attend tons of live events do it. I think my ears would fall off πŸ€ͺ