I’ve just found some problems with my .htaccess file which caused the you couldn’t access 2nd, 3rd etc. pages. Then I noticed that somehow my .htaccess isn’t automatically updated by WordPress anymore when changing something on the permalink structure so I’ve just imported my .htaccess file from my home server so that everything should work for now again.
If you notice any problems with navigating zerokspot.com then please comment on this post :-) Also if you have any quick solution for the .htaccess problem (which is not updated ;-) ) then please let me know :-) Otherwise I will try to fix it myself tonight.
I also seem to have some problems with Pingback and Trackback. I tried to trackback a testpage and also a test weblog I’ve installed on another server and none of these pings arrived :-(
To the person who reads this ( ;-) ): Could you please trackback/pingback this post and write a comment using the form below as confirmation? Thanks :-)
Do you want to give me feedback about this article in private? Please send it to comments@zerokspot.com.
Alternatively, this website also supports Webmentions. If you write a post on a blog that supports this technique, I should get notified about your link π