The htmlArea story continues...

For those of you who don’t know htmlArea: This is a WYSIWYG editor component that you can use via your webbrowser to create HTML content. It is “just” the editor, so you need an application to embed it ;-)

Since many month the development of the next release of htmlArea has more or less stopped (at least in public) and now the team who was supposed to take over the project seems to have discontinued it (according to dynarch). In the same announcement dynarch also stated, that they are willing to continue the project but also indicate that there are going to be some changes regarding the licensing. Good for them but probably bad for many opensource projects that are at least aiming to embed htmlArea as the editor component for their projects.

If you’re (as myself) looking for some alternatives, this post and esp. the discussion in it will probably be something for you. Just to summarize the apps that have been listed in there so far:

Since the xinha site is currently offline I can’t really test it (via demo ;-) - am lazy today :P ) so I only took a short look at TinyMCE and FCKeditor and both look quite solid, but TinyMCE seems to have a better performance. So, perhaps in my next miniprojects, I will give TinyMCE a try :-)