BlogTalk trip: Day 3 - First day of the BT - Liveblogging pt.2

A new panel, a new post ;)

“Building a social interface onto existing corporate systems” by Lee Bryant (- 1155)


Move away from desktop apps; becoming a whole ecosystem of applications via syndication and aggregation; social software as made of people. Classic systems as base for new systems; provide a unified login to diverse social tools.

Requirements important, group profiles … why the heck I’m I writing this *g*. I just read, that all presentations will be online on anyway ;-)

Very nice slides, btw.

Forgot something ;-) (1201)

For those of you looking for the videos: Check out the program page. The hyperlinked topics are links to the videos.

“Podcasts and Vodcasts or Insights into the world of pull media” by Dieter Rappold (1232)

A case study on the introduction of a podcast and a blog of/by/whatever BMW. He mentioned, that people made Friendrequests on YouTube … could those have been just spammers?
