What a day ...

There are some days, you simply want to erase from your memory. First thing I did when I came to work this morning, I bought myself the MacHeist2 bundle for stuff like CSSEdit 2 and Pixelmator and was absolutely surprised how I could survive until now without CoverSutra. But just a few minutes later, I got something in my inbox that I hadn’t expected: A mail from Dreamhost telling me that I owe them nearly 400 USD and my CC has already been charged with it … WTF! I won’t even go into the details here, because they are officially documented well enough.

I also want to start forgetting that part of the day … Dreamhost also already helped on this front with a mail telling me that the money was already on its way back to my CC. Let’s see …

I guess for the rest of the day I will simply try to get over the shock (possible of my whole life so far) and have some fun with all these great shareware apps and some Red vs. Blue.

P.S.: If you also want to get the MacHeist 2 bundle, please use this referrer link: https://www.macheist.com/buy/invite/93257