World, meet django-flatblocks 0.1.0

A couple of months ago I found out about Clint Ecker’s excellent django app django-chunks, which basically does one thing and that very well: It takes the idea of a django.contrib.flatpages and uses it for small chunks or blocks on a page, like a help section a small “about” part you want to have on every page, yet still keep it editable. All you have to do, is create a model instance, give it a specific name/key/slug and then use a bundled templatetag to include that object into your view.

{% load chunks %}
{% chunk 'my_help_section' %}

Many people started forking it to add some additional fields. Kevin Fricovsky added an active-flag, Peter Baumgartner added a header field, … which is something I personally needed for one of my projects. But I also need a couple of other things, like an inclusion-tag instead of a plain-old-django-templatetag, so that I could easily add, for example, an edit button right next to each such block. That was the time when I knew, I had to make it a real fork.

The first step actually was to also allow the name of the chunk/flatblock being passed via a template variable, so you could all of a sudden do something like this:

{% load flatblock_tags %}
{% flatblock blockInAVaribale %}

… which makes things a little bit easier if you’re, for instance, operating in a multi-lingual environment. But first I have some other things I want to see in django-flatblocks with a simple view for editing being quite on top of that list … so that I don’t have to write it again and again in each and every project I’m working on ;-)

But now enough of that. Enjoy django-flatblocks 0.1.0 :-)

Update (2009-02-25): django-flatblocks 0.2.0 is now available :-)