Last week, Feedly launched a new feature called boards. The idea here is that you can collect stories onto one or multiple topic-related boards for later reference. The posts combined with your highlights and notes will not expire so you can always come back to them later. Personally, I’m planning to use this to collect stories I want to write about here, or tweet about, or simply want to keep an overview over. For instance, I have a board called “Decentralized” to which I save pages about decentralized services like Mastodon or Scuttlebutt.
Historically, I’ve been using services like pinboard or Evernote for collecting stories. That’s because they allow you to simply add content no matter where I am on the web; be it Twitter, your feedreader, or any other website. Good thing that Feedly seems to have thought about that and allows to add content directly to a board by pasting an URL π

Add a story directly by URL.
At this point, the feature, sadly, doesn’t have any keyboard shortcuts associated with it. That’s about to change, though, in the near future. Something else that would be great and that has been discussed in the comments section of the announcement is a way to share boards. Right now, sharing is only possible with collections. With boards, on the other hand, it would make this feature immensely more useful but would definitely also require an extended management interface.
So far, I’m quite happy with the new boards. There are still tons of things I’d like to see being added there and I’m not sure how useful they will be in the long run, but it’s a good start to generalize the “Read Later” feature π
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