Over the last couple of months I’ve been working more and more with the awesome LDAP package for Go available on gopkg.in/ldap.v2 but only today I needed to do paging. The documentation didn’t contain any example or other hints outside of the existence of the ControlPaging so it took me a while to get it to work.
The basic idea with that is that when you create a new search request, you can
pass a slice of so-called “controls” that act as extension points for the core
LDAP protocol-suite. LDAP core doesn’t specify any sort of paging for dealing
with large result sets, but luckily
RFC2696 specifies such a control which
is implemented in the ControlPaging
paging := ldap.NewControlPaging(100)
for {
req := ldap.NewSearchRequest(baseDN, ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree,
ldap.DerefAlways, 0, 0, false, filter,
[]string{"name", "member"}, []ldap.Control{paging})
result, err := conn.Search(req)
resultCtrl := ldap.FindControl(result.Controls, paging.GetControlType())
if resultCtrl == nil {
if pagingCtrl, ok := resultCtrl.(*ldap.ControlPaging); ok {
if len(pagingCtrl.Cookie) == 0 {
What I do here, is to first create a new ControlPaging
object with a page
size of 100
. Next, I include this control in the controls
parameter when
creating a new search request. Once I’m through with processing the entries
that have been returned for the “current page”, I update the paging control
with the cookie returned from the server and continue to do requests until
either I don’t get a new paging control back from the server or its cookie is
I will probably refine that example and create a PR for the project if time permits.
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