A little disclaimer upfront: This is not a sponsored post. I simply really like the company I’m writing about in the following paragraphs.
There are very few companies that of which I simply have to try (nearly) every single new product they bring to market. Thinking about it, I could actually come up with only a single one: Manner. They are mostly known for their waffle snacks. In fact, if you’ve ever been to Austria (and Vienna) in particular, you’ve most likely seen one of their ads or received a promotional item in your hotel. Alongside Apfelstrudel and Mozartkugeln, Mannerschnitten are the sweet associated with Austria.
But they have so much more! They have an excellent 70% chocolate with a hint of vanilla, a great drinking chocolate, in my opinion the better Mozartkugeln (compared to those Austria is known for made by Mirabell in Salzburg), and during the winter months they make excellent gingerbread (which will eventually kill me). Recently, they also launched a advocate program which is the first one I even thought about joining and which has a very entertaining mandatory checkbox in the signup process:
Ich stimme der Verwendung von Social Plugins/Embeds und Online Werbetools auf club.manner.com zu, wie in den Datenschutzbestimmungen unter Punkt 3.11-12 beschrieben
(“I agree to the use of social plugins/embeds and online ads on club.manner.com according to the privacy information under 3.11-12”)
Weirdly enough that didn’t stop me from signing up. Let’s see how and if that program works out. It’s probably more targeted at people that call or want to call themselves “influencers” since they event wanted to know how many people are reading this blog per months or follow me on Twitter, but I simply wanted to give it a try. I promise, I won’t spam you with chocolate or waffle related posts 😅
Anyway, just a couple of months ago their social media team also burned a well-known right-wing person via Twitter:
Lieber Herr Sellner, bitte unterlassen sie es mit unserer Marke politische Stimmung zu machen! Seit 130 Jahren ist Manner für alle Menschen da, denn im Herzen sind wir alle rosa! #blacklivesmatter #manner #magmaneben
(“Dear Mr Sellner, please stop using our brand for politics. For 130 years Manner has been there for every human because in our hearts we are all pink!” referencing the company’s pink branding)
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