Last night we had a slightly different GoGraz meetup: The Go Developer Network together with GoBridge had organised an online event and had invited all user-groups to it. The topic? “Learning Go - Tips for all Gopher Levels”.

In 7 talks the attendees go to know the learning paths of folks at completely different points in their career and also what tools are out there! Looking back into my notes of that night, there were a couple of highlights I want to list here:
- Exercism now also has a team mode in which you can build custom solutions for your team and use those, for instance, for coding dojos and knowledge sharing in general!
- If you are a mentor at Exercism you also get access to special mentor notes which allow mentors to gain even deeper insight into their respective topics and tracks.
- GoBridge, among other awesome offerings, also can provide uaergroups access to a Zoom account that can be used for hosting large meet-ups incl. recordings! I don’t think that we’ll take them up on that offer for GoGraz since we can hopefully afford at least a Pro account on our own, but it’s awesome to know that there’s a fallback if necessary!
- seems to be the next hot thing when it comes to guides and learning material in general for Go! At least it looks awesome and is supported not only (but also) Google but instead by a larger community!
A Go event is also always a great opportunity to do some talk notes using turquoise Lamy ink [part 1, part 2] 😊
I really want to thank Angelica Hill, Wilken Rivera, and everyone else who was involved for organizing this event. It was a great and very interesting (not to say anything about motivating) evening! It’s great to feel part of a larger community!
Update 2021-01-29: The recordings are now online on YouTube!
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