After their awesome event in January, GoBridge is hosting another evening full of Go-talks as part of the GDN on 2021-03-17 (Wednesday) starting at 10:00 PDT / 18:00 Europe/Vienna. At this point the schedule contains 6 talks:
- Go and Google App Engine (by Matthew Holiday - The New York Times)
- Go webapp serverless options in GCP (Valentin Deleplace - Google)
- Gotchas using Go to reduce the spread of COVID (Seth Vargo - Google Cloud)
- Go, Cloud Functions and Cloud Tasks (Fred Gurnot - The New York Times)
- From Python to Go on GCP (Steve Coffman - Khan Academy)
- Implementing and Deploying a Cloud Function in Go (Misha Avrekh - The New York Times)
As with last time I’m not completely sure that I’ll be able to stay awake until the very end but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to enjoy the time until it’s just time for the bed 😉.
So far, GoGraz hasn’t yet received any invitation to participate in that event through allowing signups through our Meetup page, but perhaps that’s still coming. In any case, consider this post as my little contribution to get more people to those GDN events 😅
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