Today, Maximilian updated lots of the dependencies we have in tpl and I then pushed those updates out as v4.4.0. So what’s in the package this time around?
Thanks to upgrading sprig from 2.16 to 3.2.2 it got tons of new template functions and functionality:
- durationRound
- toRawJson
- get support for dicts
- seq
- duration filter
- htpasswd
- randInt
- fromJson and mustFromJson
- bcrypt
- randBytes
- dig function for dicts
- regexQuoteMeta
- osBase, osDir, osExt, osClean, and osIsAbs
- addf, add1f, subf, divf, mulf, maxf, and minf
- chunk
- various certificate functions
Actually, all the changes you should see are coming from that one upgrade. Maximilian also updated pretty much every dependency but these are mostly under-the-hood.
We should really keep those dependencies updated at a more regular interval. There’s some awesome stuff in sprig v3 that I completely missed! Big thanks to Maximilian for the update 😀
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