Spider Man 2 is still a great game

Last week I finally finished the main story of Spider Man 2 on the PS5. I haven’t completed the game but I think I’m mostly done with it at around 80%. Turns out, Insomniac still knows how to make great games. I really enjoyed the story and also the side-quests (at least those that I’ve finished) and this time there was even more to explore in New York City with Brooklyn and Queens.

Compared to previous games of the series, Spider Man 3 felt a lot more buggy to me, though. At more than one occasion I got stock somewhere even-though I followed the marked path. Once I even accidentally managed to break out of a room through the roof, seeing the rest of the map all around me, but without a way to return anymore. Reloading from the last save-point to the rescue! The controls also sometimes felt a bit off to me especially with the new flying mechanic and switching between flying and swinging.

With all that said, will I still get Spider Man 3? Definitely! While the bugs mentioned above were annoying, the didn’t really limit my enjoyment of the game and its story. Thanks to fast-travel and the flying-mechanic the game had very little slowdown-time for an open-world game, which was just perfect for me!

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