
Here you can find notes about things I discover or learn but are not (yet) worth a full-length post.

John Scalzi wrote a quite favorable review of the latest Terminator movie:

Six films (and one television series) in, it’s worth it to ask whether the world needed yet another stab at the Terminator mythos. My response is: in this case, yes […]

I, originally, wanted to watch that movie but after it received a mediocre review by Ö3 I decided to sit this one out. Doing a 180, I’ll try to get tickets for tomorrow 😉

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: terminator movie

Gestern wurde in der Wahlberichterstattung und insbesondere bei Anne Will der Erfolg AFD wieder sehr stark als Konsequenz einer Kränkung, materiellen Schlechterstellung in Diskriminierung der Ostdeutschen gedeutet. Das ist gefährlicher Unsinn.


Sehr guter Twitter-Thread über den Opfermythos rechter Gruppierungen und den damit zusammenhängenden Erfolg der AFD in den “neuen” deutschen Bundesländern.

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: depol german

The server behind’s download page seems to be having a hard time right now. Downloads take forever which also slows down setup steps in systems like Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions. At least there is already a ticket in the NodeJS GitHub project for it.

Posted on by Horst Gutmann

Wired has a quite detailed account on the “storming” of a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) by multiple Republical house representatives. Politics, no matter where you look, makes the most chaotic kindergarden look like paradise nowadays.

Posted on by Horst Gutmann

This morning was probably the best advertising for biking in Graz one could imagine. Due to a technical difficulty one of the tunnels around Graz, the Plabutschtunnel, was closed and all major roads in the South and West of the city were basically congested. There was a traffic jam from South of Zentralfriedhof all the way up to the main railway station (~ 3.8km). The bike lanes were empty 😉

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: graz biking

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Habt Geduld. Übt solidarische Kritik. Zettelt selber wirksame Proteste an.

Aber kommt verdammt nochmal klar. Die Gegner stehen wirklich woanders.

Ich glaube, da gibt’s nicht viel mehr dazu zu sagen. Jede “junge” Bewegung macht anfangs Fehler.

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: german