This is a small live-demo of the spurl2blog script. Normally this should have been posted by the cron-daemon… but it wasn’t motivated. ;-) Since this is the initial dump it contains the last 100 links…. sorry ;-)
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- Dive Into Python
Python manual
- Schockwellenreiter - Python und das metaWeblog API
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- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy :: Dolphin Sing-a-long
Before the weekend, Opera's CEO, Jon S. von Tetzchner boldy proclaimed at a company meeting that if download numbers of Opera 8 reached 1 million within four days he would swim from Norway to the USA [press release]. Opera's communications department could not resist the temptation, and made his statement public. As any respectable CEO and gentlemen, Mr. Tetzchner stands by his word
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feature rich Developer extension for mozillla
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- Stopdesign | CSS Organization Tip 1: Flags
Tenere organizzati i propri file CSS.
- Howtos in Rails
- Red Vs Blue · News
Online machinima videos using Halo & The Sims 2. Absolutely hilarious.
- Biometrie.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- RFC: MetaWeblog API
- I/O Redirection
- Leitfaden_Biometrie.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- 20040513_Biometrie.pdf (application/pdf Object)
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a free web-based RSS/Atom aggregator with tagging and bookmarks
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WYSIWYG Editor for HTML Forms
- Multiply
Multiply makes it easier to share information such as photos, journals ("blogs") and classified listings with the people in your life, and find information you need from friends of friends.
- Wetware: Coming to terms with tags: folksonomies, tagging systems and human information
An article about the role of tagging and other human information in the future of search.
- Collin Grady » Flickr Notes
- portalocker - Cross-platform (posix/nt) API for flock-style file locking.
- Eiffel Tower Paris France
- Earth View
- 16.6. Dynamically importing modules
- Rojo - Your news, your way
Rojo (pronounced like Mojo with an R) is a web-based service dedicated to helping Internet users efficiently manage online content and information flow.
- - greasemonkey: index
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Star Trek Wiki
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An interesting new window manager.
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Kupu is a 'document-centric' open source client-side editor for Mozilla, Netscape and Internet Explorer.
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Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and XMLHTTP development information
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the most useful web-sites, which make the life of web designers easier.
- limp bizkit
- tecosystems: How to Get Into Blogs, 101
Great article about how to read weblogs the fast way
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CodeZoo exists to help you find high-quality, freely available, reusable components, getting you past the repetitive parts of coding, and onto the rest and the best of your projects. Itâs a fast-forward button for your compiler.
- Version Control with Subversion
complete book
- Open Source Web Design
community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates as well as web design information
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