The whole conference was held on a single (extremly beautiful) day in the Ars Electronica Center at the bank of the Danube with two tracks. The range of speakers and topics was extreme: Mike Adolphs from Github, Mitchell Hashimoto, Mathias Bynens, … just to name a few, talking about topics from DevOps, to customer support ethics to frontend design techniques.
While all the talks were great, two sticked with me the most: First, Mike Adolphs explained how Github does support and why he believes that it would make you a better developer if you once in a while do some support tasks. Right after that, Mitchell Hashimotos DevOps talk described Vagrant, Serf, Packer and other tools that he didn’t write and where their place in the DevOps tool-chain is.
In addition to the talks there was also an exhibition- and recruiting-session for Austrian startups, which I sadly couldn’t attend.
The tracks were split between 2 floors (with 3 in between them) and the stairs being the shortest way, which made the track-switches quite a healthy experience! In general the venue was awesome. With the venue being a quite modern building there is lots of open space and tons of glass which gives it an extremely friendly atmosphere.
Sadly the available rooms weren’t really large enough to hold all the people who wanted to attend some of the talks but that is basically the only thing I could complain if I wanted to. But the chairs were just too comfortable ;-)

The day ended with a nice get-together in the Skyloft with a nice view onto the river and free drinks.
Big thanks to the organizers for finally making me visit Linz with this great event!
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