The new and improved

I’ve had for quite some time now and my original plans for it were to use it as a simple profile page; think but self-hosted. If I write a page about me, I also want as much control over it as possible.

My new profile page powered by hugo

The original page was simply a static HTML page that I updated only every now and then. Two weeks ago I thought it might a great playground for hugo. I’ve used hugo before for my travelogue but with this I’d try it for something that isn’t a blog. The end result is probably closer to what Derek Sivers has done with than A page about who I am, what I’m doing, and what I’m into right now that is frequently updated. For starters this means a list of other web presences and books and podcasts that I’m currently enjoying.

Hugo has worked wonderfully so far for that and thanks to it also supporting rendering based on generated data files there is probably a lot of additional stuff coming in the future πŸ˜‰ For now, you can find all the source code (except for hugo itself) on my github account.

I also used this opportunity to give Let’s Encrypt a go; finally HTTPS everywhere! On my travelogue I’m still fighting with Smugmug not yet supporting HTTPS on custom domains, but I’m working on a solution there 😊