When there's simply no focus left

The last couple of weeks have been bad. No coding, no satisfying projects, no blogging, no social media, not remotely enough gaming (just some Hades in between other things), just chores. All my focus was reserved for preparing for my second Azure certification exam that’s scheduled for Monday afternoon. This exam is a weird one for me simply because I’ve now had so many passes over the course material that I simply cannot see it anymore. There are two days left and I cannot bring myself to open my notes anymore. I will make another pass over my notes tomorrow but that’s it. Either it’s enough or it isn’t.

I just hope that after that exam I will finally find some time for coding and tinkering again. Heck, from Wednesday to Friday was KubeCon US for which I had a ticket. So far I haven’t seen a single talk of it despite the schedule looking more than promising. Perhaps the talks will stay online for another week… please 😣

Hopefully, I will also have more time next week to share some useful content here! WriteTheDocs, GopherCon, KubeCon, all had amazing talks. I just need some focus again…