OK, to be honest, that NPD actually happened last Friday but I simply didn’t have enough time to play around with the pen I got that day: A Lamy 2000 in black with an EF nib!

This fountain pen was actually a Christmas present but I needed to wait until now to get it from Füllfederhaus Störtz which was in lockdown until last Monday and was waiting for some deliveries from Lamy😅
I initially started out with this pen using Lamy’s blue-black ink. Turns out, though, that was too wet for the Leuchtturm 1917 I was using. The result was feathering and even some bleeding through the page. To be fair, I had kind of expected something like that based on the different properties of the Lamy 2000. I was still sad and slightly disappointed. But then, on Saturday, I inked it up with black Parker Quink and have loved writing with it ever since!
It is a bit wetter than the Lamy Accent but also offers some different properties depending on the angle in which you hold the pen when writing. For the next couple of days I’ve now also ordered some Pelikan 4001 ink after it being recommended on Reddit. Let’s see how that goes 😅
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