In a recent post Kimberly from ThePenAddict introduced the term “Techo Kaigi” to me. It’s basically a meeting with yourself in which you look back at your current planner setup in order to decide what you’ll keep and change about it for the next year. So here comes what I’ve planned for 2023 (for now) 🙂
All-in-one planning
While I absolutely love my A5 Taschenbegleiter, especially in combination with a Leuchtturm 1917 120g A5 notebook it has become too heavy and cumbersome. I want something more portable. Ideally, I’d also avoid moving from one journal to the next during the year and so I’m going to try a Hobonichi Techo Planner (A6) for 2023!
I’ll mostly stick with the classic bullet journaling approach using rapid logging on the daily pages and us the monthly-preview-pages for future-logging which also means that I should be able to use the Hobonichi as is without any major modifications. Projects/collections will live either on the empty graph pages at the end of the planner or in a Hobonichi Memo Pad (A6) if they’re really long-running!
Note-taking (on the go)
Since the planner is still too large to have in my sweater/jacket pocket all the time, I need something to jot down notes and ideas while on the go. Previously, I’ve been using things like a Leuchtturm 1917 notepad or plain index cards but in December I got myself a beautiful and passport-sized Traveler’s Notebook with various blank and dot-grid inserts. This will also probably end up being the place to short-term collections/lists or quick drafts.
Work planner
For keeping track of work-related tasks I’ve started using an MD Notebook (A5, gridded) . Here I’m also using the classic bullet journaling approach using rapid logging and monthly/weekly reflection (not yet sure which one I’ll end up with).
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