During our summer vacation to the “Steirische Salzkammergut” we also made sure to visit Lake Altaussee. It’s one of the most beautiful areas I’ve ever been to in Austria especially thanks to large parts of the eastern shore being a nature reserve without any roads. And right in that area we also found the Seewiese Altaussee, a rather new restaurant that is only reachable on foot or via boat.
Same as Zloam Wirt which I wrote about before, this is a traditional yet modern Austrian restaurant. They have quite a well-balanced menu ranging from regional snacks (e.g. “Speckbrot” or “Steirischer Käferbohnen-Hummus”) to ribs or grilled char. No matter if you’re just using it as a quick stop for refreshments on your hike or planning a proper meal there, this restaurant should have you covered. Personally, I really enjoyed the “Wurstsalat” (basically sliced sausage, cheese, vegetables in salad dressing), fried ribs and their cakes!
We actually liked the place so much, we returned there for our last meal of the trip before returning home to Graz! Seewiese Altaussee seems also to be quite popular for hosting private events so if you want to visit, make sure to give them a call first!
www.seewiesealtaussee.at Fischerndorf 77, 8992 Altaussee, Austria
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