
Here you can find notes about things I discover or learn but are not (yet) worth a full-length post.

Replying to update: webmentions and technical notes | (…)

Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad that webmentiond is working for you and I’ve already started to implement your suggestions/fixing your bug reports 🙂 If there’s any feature you are missing in the system right now, please let me know!

I think the FontAwesome may be broken because I’m using the free version, not the pro version, but I may see if I can replace it all with emoji anyway because Aesthetic.

Yeah, that was a little bit too opinionated from my side. Sorry about that 😔 I’m currently thinking about just creating SVGs for those 5-6 icons I’m actually using in there so that they can be shipped with the application itself. I just haven’t found the time actually do that yet 😅

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: webmentiond

Replying to Podcasts : Darknet Diaries (…)

Darknet Diaries is a podcast about cyber-security and in general hacking even if the term should be cracking. The show provides a lot of great stories about the world scene and how individual persons, groups like Anonymous or even states break into systems all over the globe.

That sounds pretty much up my alley 😁 Once I have my podcast backlog under control again, I’ll definitely give the Darkweb Diaries a try!

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: podcast recommendation

If you’re living in Austria and still wondering what that new “Ampel-System” for COVID-19 warnings means, @GoldenerAluhut has you covered!

Austrian "Corona-Ampel" explained

Roughly translated:

  • Green: Small risk, keep a distance of 1 baby elephant!
  • Yellow: Better keep a distance of 2 baby elephants!
  • Orange: You and your baby elephant should stay at home!

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: covid19

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

Posted on by Horst Gutmann Tags: software scm development