Archive for "Development"
go-querystring: Convert a struct into url.Values
Neovim 0.5
From master to main
Mage is My Favorite Make | Carolyn Van Slyck
Contexts and structs
Literate atomic commits
Building a CLI using urfave/cli
The Database is on Fire β
Testable HTTP API libraries with http.RoundTripper
FosdemToGo 0.2.0
Embedded structs, interfaces, type-switches, oh my
I am an 80 column purist - Daniel Stenberg
Spotify's open platform for shipping at scale with Jim Haughwout and Stefan Γ
lund (The Changelog #415) |> Changelog
Conventional Commits
Dracula Pro theme
Finding a good SSH client for iOS
Development containers with Visual Studio Code
About main and master branches
Developer sind verantwortungslose Spielkinder!
How (and why) to sign Git commits
Don't apologize, analyze
Awesome Tutorials
Forwarding ES6 exports
Visiting ViennaJS
Fun with Redis' Geo Features
PyCon 2016 in a nutshell
Hello PyTube!
Selective metric collection with Prometheus
My First Craftconf
Using Glide for vendoring
An experimental NodeJS+Docker workflow
Quick switching to a project's directory
GOPATH, Vendoring, oh my...
This was DjangoCon Europe 2016
Channels in Docker example
Looking back at PyGraz 2016.03
Using Launchd for Cronjobs
Back from FOSDEM
The slightly different PyGraz meetup
CheckIO considering Paid Accounts
fish shell functions are magical!
TIL: Custom keybindings per mode
Goals for 2015
Getting to know pre-commit
dotJS 2014
Learning VIM (again) in 2014
TOML - The other configuration language
Functional Thinking by Neal Ford; O'Reilly Media
Integrating godep into my toolchain
EuroPython Conference Software Sprint in Berlin
Django Weekend 2014 in Cardiff
Skipping validators in Django forms/models
Admit to be a Baby Gopher
MediaWiki's infinite redirection on Dreamhost
Migrating custom node type modules
jQuery 1.0.2 released
App'ing with py2app
Random Python stuff
No explicity expiring cache in Django?
Sometimes expire fields in cookies just suck
newsfire_export.rb 1.0
No MovableType API documentation?
How to build yourself a MAMP environment
Getting InterProlog to run on MacOSX Tiger
Was hat Textile, was Markdown nicht hat?
Indexing script for docbook articles ;)
Started learning OCAML
Spurl2Blog v1
spurl2blog status
Spurl2Blog status and information
Dynamically loading modules in Python
emerge -fp downloader
Tags for Wordpress
Opera and image redirections?
strtok() trap
Gallery scripts
What process has what files open?
TechnoratiTags plugin for NucleusCMS
Web Developer Extension 0.9.3
Some NucleusCMS playing