Here you can find notes about things I discover or learn but are not (yet) worth a full-length post.
Today seems to be one of these days where even DuckDuckGo is down… I haven’t seen that in ages.
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Same for me 🙂 I’m always just so close to just join the Nottingham group when something just holds me back 😂 The list of excuses I have seems to be endless…
Like of Mediamarkt und Saturn fusionieren zu Mediamarkt (…)
Kunden haben den getrennten Auftritt der beiden Elektromärkte nie verstanden
Sagt eigentlich alles…
Like of Webmentiond and Hugo - A webmentions breakthrough! · (…)
Like of Alienating the Audience: We Can Freeze You: How Cryonics Works (…)
Huh, so in theory people are not frozen. Instead blood and water are replaced through a vitrification process.
Great episode 😍
Linking to Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for COVID-19 (…)
Bolsonaro, an outlier among world leaders in his skepticism of the virus and measures intended to curb it, was tested Monday evening after developing symptoms that included a fever. […] “In my particular case,” the former army officer said in a national address in March, “with my history as an athlete, if I were infected by the virus, I wouldn’t need to worry. I wouldn’t feel anything or, if very affected, it would be like a little flu or little cold.” […] U.S. Ambassador Todd Chapman, who hosted Bolsonaro at the July 4 barbecue, has tested negative for the virus and is now in quarantine at home, the embassy tweeted Tuesday.
Just came back from my local gym. Up until last week every second exercise device was taped off enforcing distance between people. All that tape is gone now. Given that the numbers have been rising in Austria for the last two weeks I don’t get why they did that but will definitely ask them ASAP. For some reason I didn’t ask at the gym itself 😩
Like of Goodbye to the Wild Wild Web (…)
But the internet is no longer a world distinct and apart from the physical world. We all live online, and it’s long past time for the world on our screens to be managed as thoughtfully, and with as much accountability, as our roads and schools and hospitals. The Wild Wild Web may be over, but the real building has just begun.