As I wrote at the end of last year, I’ve been struggling with using GTD-style inboxes while bullet journaling. For the last week I’ve tried something new: I now carry with me two small A6 booklets (ok, right now they’re more 12.6cm x 8.6cm but the next iteration will be A6 if I go with Moleskine while it will be 5.5” x 3.5” if I go with Field Notes) at all times. Whenever something comes to my mind I just jot it down in there, be it tasks or random thoughts. They basically act as my inboxes similar to OmniFocus’.

Why two? I want to keep work and my personal life separated and so both these high-level contexts get their own little inbox. After a couple of days of me carrying them in separate pockets of my pants I switched to just putting them together with an elastic band, one side for work, the other for personal stuff.
Once I’m done with a task or some other opportunity I’ll sync those into my full journal, emptying my inboxes so to say. This little tweak to my process has finally converted my bullet journal + inbox into something that I trust which had the effect that my stress-level is now much lower. I no longer fear that I’ve forgotten something. It’s either on the last page of my inbox or on my daily page in my journal if it’s important for that given day.
Good think I still have some left-over booklets from previous WriteTheDocs events, so I still have another month to decide between Moleskine and Field Notes 😅
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